People don’t need to wait till they start having pains or sleepless nights before seeking dental care. In this interview with Omolara Akintoye a Private Dental Practitioner of over two decades, Dr. Olayiwola Obadeyi of Profol Dental Clinic, reveals that people may not be able to avoid taking sugary foods, but if after taken it or have eaten in-between meals, there are some healthy tips which they need to imbibe to avoid tooth decay, among others.

AS an expert in Dentistry practicing for over two decades, what would you say are the major challenges of people concerning oral hygiene?
You will discover that the commonest problem that arises from poor oral hygiene is twofold namely: Tooth decay (dental craze) and periodontal problems also known as Gum diseases. In everybody’s mouth, no matter how well you brush your mouth, there are some bacteria in our mouth which reside there; they don’t cause problems, they are just there. But they begin to cause problems when we allow food particles especially the ones that are broken down into sugars stay long. So when sugar lingers around the gum for a long time, the bacteria will act on it and produce an organic acid. But when these bacteria act on the sugar in the mouth, and produce the organic acid, the organic acid will act chemically and begin to cause erosion of the enamel. When that happens, you have decay and then you notice that there is a hole on the tooth. If the decay is contained within the enamel, the person may not have pain, but pain starts when the decay goes beyond the enamel and goes to the next layer of the tooth called “dentine” which is very sensitive. That is when the patient begins to feel some pain especially on chewing. If the patient at that time does not consult a dentist for “restorative procedure” to fill that hole, then it can go into the innermost chamber of the tooth. Then the patient can have troubling pain, sleepless nights and that is when most patients seek dental care. But we do tell them that they don’t need to wait till it gets to that stage before they seek dental care. Simply put, that is the process that leads to tooth decay: bacteria acting on the sugar in our mouth.
Secondly, periodontal problems occur due to poor oral hygiene; when a patient does not brush well. This brings a dental plaque, which is a slimy substance that appears on the surface of the tooth especially early in the morning before we brush our mouth. It is a combination of the bacteria in our mouth and some sweet particles. Plaque is a soft, sticky film that builds up on your teeth and contains millions of bacteria. The bacteria in plaque cause tooth decay and gum disease if they are not removed regularly through brushing and flossing. When this is left on the tooth for six months, it causes calculus which leads to an irritation of the gum. This can be painful, at times bleeding. Mind you, bleeding can also be as a result of Vitamin C deficiency.
What is the implication of the periodontal problem?
Periodontal problem or gum decay can be very devastating and if not handled properly, one can lose many teeth at the same time. While tooth decay affects only one tooth, with gum or periodontal decay one can lose many teeth at the same time. This is where dental plaque comes in. Plaque develops when foods containing carbohydrates (sugars and starches), such as milk, soft drinks, raisins, cakes, or candy are frequently left on the teeth. Bacteria that live in the mouth thrive on these foods, producing acids as a result. Over a period of time, these acids destroy tooth enamel, resulting in decay. Plaque can also develop on the tooth roots under the gum and cause breakdown of the bone supporting the tooth. Plaque is the sticky, colourless film of bacteria that forms on teeth. It makes teeth “feel fuzzy” to the tongue, and is most noticeable when the teeth are not brushed.
How do you use floss?
Break off a piece about 18 inches long.  : Slide between teeth. Gently slide the floss between the teeth in a zigzag motion and be careful not to let the floss snap or “pop” between teeth: Form a “C”. ; Roll along. ..; reach both sides. Another way it can be prevented is to use an antibacterial rinse to reduce bacteria that cause plaque and periodontal diseases.
Also you should eat a balanced diet and limit the number of between-meal snacks. If you need a snack, choose nutritious foods such as plain yogurt, fruit, or raw vegetables, these help remove food and help saliva neutralise plaque-causing acids. Finally, see your dentist or oral hygienist every six months for a check-up and teeth cleaning.
I believe one major reason why people don’t visit a dentist is the fear of tooth extraction, how true is this?
That to some extent is not true, dentists don’t just remove tooth. If after having examined such tooth through x-ray, and the damage has not got to the inner most part of the tooth, then such a tooth can undergo tooth restoration of filling. The decayed tooth can also undergo root canal therapy.  During root canal or endodontic treatment, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed and the inside of the tooth is carefully cleaned and disinfected, then filled and sealed with a rubber-like material.
How often must people visit a dentist?
For children, it is once in every four months but for adults it is once in every six months in which they undergo fluoride therapy. It is the use of fluoride for medical purposes. Fluoride supplements are recommended to prevent tooth decay in children older than six month in areas where the drinking water is low in fluoride. It is typically used as a liquid, pill, or paste by mouth.
Fluoride therapy typically uses the sodium fluoride form, though stannous fluoride may also be used. Fluoride appears to decrease breakdown by acids, increase remineralisation of teeth, and decrease the activity of bacteria. It is believed to work mostly through direct contact with the teeth after they have emerged. Fluoride came into use to prevent tooth.
How can these be prevented?
To prevent tooth decay as well as plaque build-up, brush your teeth at least twice a day with a soft, rounded-tip bristled disposable toothbrush. Pay particular attention to the space where the gums and teeth meet. Use a fluoride-containing toothpaste. Floss between teeth at least once a day to remove food particles and bacteria. We may not be able to avoid sugary foods but if after taken it or you have eaten in-between meals, rinse your mouth immediately.
Final word
People should seek professional care when it has to do with oral hygiene. Visit your dentist and not a general doctor once in every six months, avoid self medication; delayed or chronic oral/dental lesions may lead to cancer of the mouth or sudden death.
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Posted by Admin , Published at August 07, 2017 and have