For instance, the banana is rich in vitamins, nutrients, and fiber. Also, they are not expensive and can be found at any grocery store.
Bananas are low in calories. By eating a banana you can indulge your sweet tooth without ruining your waistline, nor your health. In average, a banana includes only 110 calories. Its dietary fiber helps you feel full longer and also keeps your digestive processes running smoothly.
What are the health benefits of banana?
Blood pressure
For all people dealing with high blood pressure: bananas are rich in potassium and include low sodium content. Because of this they are excellent treat for your blood pressure and heart health. Bananas help the body’s circulatory system deliver oxygen to the brain and also aids the body in maintaining a regular heartbeat and a proper balance of water within the body.
If you have problems with constipation, take a banana because the fiber in them will help you. They promote the restoration and maintenance of regular bowel functions. Toss out the laxatives, which have chemicals or other synthetic substances.Eating only two bananas will give your body enough fuel to exercise for an hour and a half. Also, you can eat them when feeling tired and sluggish. So, forget the caffeeine drinks, or sugary candy.
Bananas have natural antacids. This should be remembered, especially if you suffer from heartburn
Bananas have tryptophan, which our body changes into serotonin and help us relax and feel happy.
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August 05, 2017
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