Ever get a case of bedroom déjà vu? Once you discover a few no-fail tricks for touching her vagina and bringing her to org@sm, it’s hard not to fall into a sexual routine.
“If something works, you want to keep doing it,” says Marianne Brandon, Ph.D., author of Monogamy: The Untold Story. “But at the same time, even the best moves can get old and worn out.”
And although women often worry about taking too long to climax, they also don’t want to hit their peak in 60 seconds flat—which is what can happen if you go straight to your failsafe move every time.
By contrast, if you switch things up, you may find that her experience is more satisfying, since delaying her org@sm can make it stronger, says Brandon.
Plus, “novel experiences elevate dopamine in the brain, and that promotes bonding,” adds Yvonne Fulbright, Ph.D., author of Touch Me Here.
So save your signature skills for the grand finale and experiment with these 16 ways to touch her v@gina.
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August 02, 2017
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